
木, 美国国际集团(AIG) and the University of 斯特拉思克莱德 partner to create a more resilient world

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伍德与美国国际集团建立了合作关系, 全球领先的保险机构, 以及斯特拉斯克莱德大学 未来城市研究所 to help 城市 and businesses adapt to the impacts of climate change and achieve a successful transition to a low-carbon economy.

As increasing climate risks put mounting pressure on our planet, companies and city leaders need scalable solutions to shift the world to a more resilient path. 伍德之间的合作, 美国国际集团(AIG) and the University of 斯特拉思克莱德 under the United Nations SDG 17 will see the three organisations work together to create a roadmap around building more sustainable infrastructure and driving down carbon emissions.

美国国际集团(AIG)将提供保险解决方案, 风险管理专业知识, and financial services to insure and fund resilient infrastructure and transformative renewable energy projects. 木 will apply their scientific and engineering expertise to design and construct the new and improved infrastructure required to unlock economic growth and protect critical resources. The University of 斯特拉思克莱德’s 未来城市研究所 will apply its holistic approaches to resilient and sustainable urban development to create balanced strategies that understand the complexities and differences of 城市, 包括他们的系统, 挑战, 和期货.

美国国际集团(AIG) and 木 have previously combined their collective expertise to develop the Infrastructure Resilience and 能源过渡 Framework which was publicly endorsed by the United Nations Industrial Development Organization (UNIDO) at their 2019 Bridge for Cities 4.0事件.

作为合作的关键一步, 美国国际集团(AIG), 木 以及斯特拉斯克莱德大学 未来城市研究所 will collaborate on a series of events to be held in 格拉斯哥 at the 2021 United Nations Climate Change Conference, 也就是COP26. 在一起, they will explore how 格拉斯哥 and other 城市 can integrate effective climate risk mitigation into their energy transition plans and resilience strategies.

乔Sczurko, 伍德咨询业务执行总裁, said: “Achieving the Group of Seven (G7) leaders’ bold vision for a net-zero future and effectively tackling the impacts of climate change require collaborative partnerships to drive innovation, 提供转型价值, 创造一个更可持续的未来.

“We are delighted to partner with 美国国际集团(AIG) and the University of 斯特拉思克莱德 to create bold, differentiated solutions that will forge the path to global carbon neutrality and help shape the resilience of critical infrastructure. Our partnership demonstrates the power of collaborating across multiple sectors and with a broad range of stakeholders to drive sustainable and resilient solutions.”

罗德尼·威廉姆斯, 美国国际集团国际公共政策主管, adds: “The partnership combines 美国国际集团(AIG)’s risk expertise and the insurance solutions it provides to low-carbon energy and resilient infrastructure projects with 木’s leading engineering solutions and the 未来城市研究所’ holistic sustainability strategies and international relationships.”

“As 城市 and corporations worldwide face increased pressure to reduce carbon emissions, our work will help advance sustainability efforts that will have significant impact into the future.”

理查德·贝灵汉, 导演, 斯特拉斯克莱德大学未来城市研究所, 评论, “Cities have a leading role to play in tackling and in responding to the 挑战 of climate change. We are privileged to be working in partnership with leading 城市 from the Global North and Global South to help meet their priorities and accelerate progress – including 斯特拉思克莱德’s home city and COP26 host, 格拉斯哥.

“本着联合国可持续发展目标的精神, 美国国际集团(AIG), 木, 斯特拉思克莱德, and our partner 城市 are creating a strong and diverse partnership between business, 城市, 社区, and innovative re搜索 institutions with the ability to deliver real and swift progress. We will seek to realise quick wins that balance the needs of 城市, 社区 and businesses. We and our partners recognise that we need to be in this for the long term, achieving net zero will require significant application of resources and determination to transform all sectors.”

United by our common purpose to unlock solutions to the world’s most critical 挑战, 我们为未来做好了准备, 现在.