
Peak carbon: As the smog clears, will we see a brighter future?

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Martyn Link
Chief Strategy Officer

尽管2019冠状病毒病继续在全球造成毁灭性后果, 由病毒引发的封锁导致大气中CO的物质减少2 levels. 美国国家航空航天局和欧洲航天局最近的分析表明,在北京这样的城市, Los Angeles, London and New Delhi, air quality is now cleaner than at any time in living memory, while IEA research indicates global emissions could drop by 8% in 2020.

Against this backdrop, it is clear we are at a significant crossroads. As countries start to think about how to reboot their economies, will the relief for the environment be short-lived? Or will this signal the start of a new chapter? 2019冠状病毒病的教训是使我们能够齐心协力实现能源转型,还是使我们进一步分裂?

There is a lot to consider; the worst public health crisis in 100 years, a climate emergency, and the severest economic turbulence in 80 years. 保护人民健康,振兴经济,是没有商量余地的, however this should not be to the detriment of wider environmental, social and governance (ESG) imperatives.

A diagram that shows 5 steps to decarbonisation

The key question we will have to answer is: will we see spending plans, policies and packages that support a low carbon future, or not?

At Wood, we believe the transition towards a cleaner, healthier, 通过关注对人们互惠互利的关键领域,可以加速世界的脱碳进程, planet and profit. 这一转变的两个基本推动因素——加速能源转型和可持续基础设施发展——支撑着我们当前的战略,也是我们近年来有意采取的业务多元化措施的核心. 我们已经将我们的业务从油田服务扩展到咨询和工程公司,在包括可再生能源在内的一系列终端市场占据强势地位, infrastructure and environmental consulting. 过去几个月的事件强化了我们的观点,即这一策略是正确的——我们较少受到大宗商品价格波动的影响,并且在太阳能和陆上风电EPC项目等领域看到对我们服务的需求不断增长, green and blue hydrogen, carbon capture and storage, and other decarbonisation solutions.

虽然我们知道,在不同的地区,这种转变会有不同的结果, solidarity will be more important than ever. 我们需要一种“全球公民”的心态,由发达国家带头, demonstrating leadership and de-risking technology. If governments and companies stimulate clean growth, 我们可以确保2019冠状病毒病对我们的环境产生的意想不到的积极影响持续下去,使子孙后代在回顾2019年时能够成为碳峰值之年.

As chief strategy officer at Wood, 我领导情景规划工作,帮助我们驾驭什么是VUCA(波动性), uncertainty, complexity & ambiguity) environment. To chart the best way forward, 我们已经确定了五个步骤,我们希望看到优先作为全球协调应对的一部分:

  1. Maintain energy security -获得可靠和负担得起的能源仍将是未来社会和经济繁荣的关键推动力. 为了满足不断增长的能源需求和保护工业就业机会,化石燃料在未来一段时间内仍将是全球能源结构的一部分. 实现净零排放目标需要积极的工业脱碳,同时油气运营商有能力解决复杂的技术挑战.
  2. Accelerate investment in clean technologies – thankfully, due to increased production and rapidly falling costs, 可再生能源的经济效益现在更接近传统的石油和天然气. Further investment is required in improving storage, transmission and distribution, 以及将增加的可再生能源整合到现有的基础设施中. 对CCUS和氢解决方案的重大投资将加快我们使工业脱碳的能力,并努力减少行业.
  3. Incentivise decarbonisation – whilst technically feasible, eliminating flaring, methane leakages and other emissions requires additional investment. 政府可以通过直接的政策杠杆推动对这一领域的更多关注, 无论是激励更积极的碳管理,还是惩罚缺乏行动.  现在是时候利用2019年创造的势头,推动脱碳成为商业和投资的当务之急.
  4. Build sustainable urban environments – government stimulus investment in low-carbon energy, 交通和公用事业基础设施可以帮助永久性地减少这些部门的排放. 对每个国家来说,找到合适的激励措施来刺激绿色经济至关重要. People have tasted an alternative urban environment, 在保护生计的同时,创造绿色空间、提高宜居性将比以往任何时候都更加重要.
  5. Support flexible, integrated communities COVID-19的持久影响可能是向远程工作和家庭办公室的转型. If this materialises, 我们可能会看到通勤减少,城市基础设施之间的出行将更加分阶段化. 这可能会给愿意共享工作空间的城外社区带来急需的刺激, energy generation and digital connectivity.

上面列出的许多措施都是需要时间和投资的长期措施. These shifts will not happen overnight and will require smaller, incremental goals that also deliver near-term benefits. Reengineering the world takes ambition, 但这也需要企业和政府做出牺牲,并愿意接受新的商业模式,这种模式可能在更长的时间内带来更低、波动性更小的回报

As we plan for the future, 没有比这更好的方式来纪念那些逝去的生命,以及那些在这一特殊时期继续冒着生命危险的人们, 而不是让2020年成为一个转折点和催化剂,让我们开始为下一代建立一个更可持续的未来.

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